+44 (0)20 8343 8080 4excellence@baginskycohen.com


The founding partners spent their professional careers in Practice in the City and West End of London. They have worked in large, medium and small practices and have an extensive knowledge of the requirements of clients of all sizes.

Des Cohen and Sidney Baginsky (now a consultant to the firm) formed Baginsky Cohen in 1995 combining many years of professional experience.


Partner Profiles

Des Cohen

Des Cohen’s specialisations include pharmaceutical, architectural, legal, medical and dental professions and clients in entertainment and literary fields. Des has particular experience in resident, non domicile and immigration tax legislation.

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Jerry Michael

Jerry Michael joined the firm as a trainee accountant and is now a Partner with responsibility for the audit and accounts department.

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Neil Cohen

Neil Cohen joined the firm in April 2016 with particular experience in the Charities and Not for Profit sector. Neil qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2010 and after a few years in practice moved into industry carrying out a variety of roles within Finance.

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Baginsky Cohen, 930 High Road, London, N12 9RT

t: +44 (0)20 8343 8080 | e: 4excellence@baginskycohen.com